Activities about reading technique
1. How many kinds of mice is the text talking about?
2. Which is the smallest kind of mice?
1. The jumping mouse has______back feet.
2. Small dormice sleep for seven______every year.
nine seven five
3. The harvest mouse can_____very well.
eat climb fly
Intensive reading
1. Read again jumping mouse and later drawing it and its food.
Making inferences
1. Who can sleep inside of a sock?
H_____ M______
2. Which mouse can see a snowboarder?
H_____ M_______
3. Who can touch the sky?
4. If you were Julio Cesar which mice prefer to eat?
Before reading the text we will ask some questions about mice:
1.What is a mouse?
Animal toy clothes
2.Have you ever seen some mouse? Where?
Film street home
3.How is it? (Length, colour,…)
4.Do you know some house mouse? what kind of food do they eat?
where do they live? how are they?
where do they live? how are they?
5.Do you know anohter object that is called mouse?
Other activities
1. Match photos with words
Pygmy mouse jumping mouse
House mouse harvest mouse dormouse

Sandra González, Irene del Pozo, Patricia Dominguez y Cristina Vieco